Welcome to Durham Sunrise Rotary Club, known in our District as “The Little Club that Can and Does”.
We have built a reputation since 1990 based on enthusiastic service to our neighbors, through hands-on activities in support of community partners like Interfaith Food Shuttle, Crayons to Calculators, and Rise Against Hunger.
Backpack Buddies is one of our club’s signature projects, through which we raise funds, exchange them for balanced and healthy food portions, package them into child-portable containers (backpacks), and deliver them each week during the school year, to provide supplemental weekend nutrition for twenty-four (24) food-insecure elementary students (and their families) in the Durham Public Schools.
Come join us for a breakfast meeting (most Wednesdays, at 7 AM), and you’ll observe that we are small, friendly, diverse and active — see how much we can accomplish together, before most people are fully awake !